1. Developer Guide

1.1. AWS Config Rule

AWS Config rules come in two flavours: _Scheduled_ and _ConfigurationChange_.

_Scheduled_ rules are invoked by AWS Config on a periodic basis as defined in your rule, and _ConfigurationChange_ rules are invoked by AWS Config when a configuration change occurs. Generally, you used scheduled rules for resources which AWS Config [support directly](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/config/latest/developerguide/resource-config-reference.html), and _ConfigurationChange_ rules for [additional resources types for AWS Config](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/config/latest/developerguide/evaluate-config_develop-rules_nodejs.html#creating-custom-rules-for-additional-resource-types).

Create a new class, write it in a function to be set as the lambda handler, and override either the find_violation_scheduled(...) function or find_violation_config_change(...).

#### Configuration Change Rule

```python from awsconfig_lambdahelper.configrule import AWSConfigRule from awsconfig_lambdahelper.evaluation import CompliantEvaluation,NonCompliantEvaluation

# A schedule AWS config rule class MyCustomConfigurationChangeRule(AWSConfigRule):

def find_violation_config_change(self, config, rule_parameters):

rule_responses = apply_my_rule_to_a_resource(config)

response = [] for violation in rule_responses:

if violation[‘failed’]:
Annotation=”This failed because of a good reason.”



# There’s no need to set the resource id or type, as the library is aware of those # values and will apply them automatically. response.append(CompliantEvaluation())

return response

# Lambda entrypoint def lambda_handler(event, context):

my_rule = MyCustomConfigurationChangeRule(

) my_rule.lambda_handler(event, context)


#### Scheduled Rule


from awsconfig_lambdahelper.configrule import AWSConfigRule from awsconfig_lambdahelper.evaluation import CompliantEvaluation,NonCompliantEvaluation

# A schedule AWS config rule class MyCustomScheduledConfigRule(AWSConfigRule):

def find_violation_scheduled(self, ruleParameters, accountId):

rule_responses = apply_my_rules()

response = [] for violation in rule_responses:

if violation[‘failed’]:

# Scheduled rules are not in response to a config change, so you need to tell AWS Config what # resources you were looking at. CompliantEvaluation(

ResourceType=violation[‘my_resource_type’], ResourceId=violation[‘my_resource_id’]



ResourceType=violation[‘my_resource_type’], ResourceId=violation[‘my_resource_id’], Annotation=”This failed because of a good reason.”



return response

# Lambda entrypoint def lambda_handler(event, context):

my_rule = MyCustomScheduledConfigRule(

) my_rule.lambda_handler(event, context)
